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The Evolution of Passenger Screening

This article is part of a two-part publication, written by Point FWD together with NACO,. and focuses on both the drivers as well as key impact factors for change in passenger screening.

The intern blog: Aviation Security industry internships.

Three interns at Point FWD share their experiences working in the AvSec industry during their internship projects.

Blog 1: Increasing operator performance on image analysis – Human Perception

In this blog post, Femke Lettinga shares some of her findings related to the impact of Human Perception on the performance of x-ray image analysis.

A manageable restart of security checkpoint operations.

In this blogpost, Point FWD share their insights and views on main impact factors of COVID-19 on the security process, and how to approach successful recovery of operations.

Point FWD and Eindhoven Airport continue CIT partnership after successful trial.

Point FWD and Eindhoven Airport continue CIT deployment after successful trial project.

Checkpoint Insight Tool: facilitating effective, measurable and successful change in security checkpoints

Point FWD’s Robin van Gemert, Senior Consultant did an interview with Airport Business and ACI on their recently published Checkpoint Insight Tool.

Point FWD publishes 3-part knowledge article series on CT screening.

This paper is built around three main pillars deep diving into the operator training perspective when transitioning towards CT. equipment in security checkpoints.

Approaching EDS CB

Making fit for purpose, data-driven and future proof decisions when implementing EDS CB equipment in your current security checkpoint landscape.

security checkpoint landscape

Holy grail or fit for purpose?

Point FWD likes to ask airport clients this eye-opening question: are you looking for the holy grail or a solution that fits the purpose? Underlying this question is the belief that there should be no sole focus on the KPI promises by technology manufacturers of EDS CB x-ray machines in order to obtain process speed.

Focus should rather be on data analysis for accurate process insight and the potential operational impact of implementing ECAC approved machines. Process insight thereby supports accurate and substantiated decision making, enabling technology adoption in early phases of implementation. This might best be illustrated by quoting J. Cruijff: “Speed is often confused with insight. When I start running earlier than the others, I appear faster”.

No airport is alike, Point FWD believes. Therefore, investments in EDS CB equipment require insight in your security process, your physical checkpoint environment and your functional and financial requirements. Not every airport is able to afford the presumed holy grail C-3 CONOPS and it is therefore necessary to find a solution that fits the purpose. Point FWD understands your considerations and implications for various, but most of all viable EDS CB scenarios and is able to give the right guidance in trialling and implementing such solutions.

Technology and innovation are inextricably linked to aviation security through a first necessity to keep air travel safe and secure. In addition, through modern technologies we are able to mitigate the negative effects of increasing security measures on the process. But at the same time, when intensively implementing more technology (e.g. Security Scan, automated lanes), the security checkpoint can be experienced as more complex. Benefits for implementing EDS CB can therefore be more dispersed throughout the checkpoint process.

Benefits go further than the exclusion of some divest steps; it is much more about marginal gains in optimizing sequential subprocesses, and thereby harmonizing the checkpoint. Focus should be on complete checkpoint operations and continuous awareness on aspects such as CONOPS, training and performance monitoring.

Putting attention to things that matter!

With the introduction of EDS CB, airports are forced to cope with the system alarm rate. These alarms need proper and adequate resolution to keep the initial benefits of the EDS CB machines such as adding capacity at divestment, enabling enhanced throughput and boost passenger experience. Alarm resolution is the true key of reaching the full potential of an EDS CB implementation. We need to scrutinize all means and processes that allow alarm resolution and put a process together that leads to maximizing capability.

Furthermore, we need to realize that even in this automated EDS CB environment, alarm resolution is human-operated and proper implementation, training and guidance is essential. We otherwise risk losing all the benefits of simplified divestment, enhanced throughput and passenger experience by having long alarm resolution processes. Low process output will thereby lead to bad passenger experience. Key in obtaining highest and quickest implementation success is to fully assist one’s adoption to such a major technology change.

Not only should there be an approach to the type and mix of alarm resolution that is being used in the ideal situation, airports should at the same time monitor the reasons for rejection to be able to adjust and optimize the CONOPS through ongoing training and education of staff in order to provide an efficient end-process.

The .FWD Approach for EDS CB impact in a nutshell

Point FWD helps airport managers make future proof decisions regarding EDS for Cabin Baggage. At the one hand this is achieved by guidance through the process of establishing a comprehensive EDS CB implementation strategy. Based on the current process situation and performance, passenger profiles and airport business strategy, collaboratively with the airport Point FWD draws several robust and future EDS CB solution perspectives. This includes selecting machine types, process and CONOPS redesign and simulations of the provided solutions.

At second, after a future design has been chosen, Point FWD adds value to the specific implementation project in terms of robust project management and covers components like trial guidance, system deployment, training, go-live and operational support.

Point FWD has an unique position within the aviation security market, being a consultancy firm with hands on experience in EDS CB implementations and a team consisting of subject matter experts on the subject. Point FWD was founded from an intrinsic motivation to help clients move forward, by solving their issues or obstacles. Now that introduction of EDS CB is becoming the next obstacle, we are motivated to help you towards a successful implementation.

Insight #1: Data-savvy organizations

Latest insights #1: Data-savvy organizations hold the future

Security lane

Experience is important and helpful throughout the process of technology implementation, but it will not ensure the story of success on its own. What is still observed at quite some airport companies is that experience of reference airports is used for determining the ideal implementation solution, often in order to meet the same performance levels of those used as reference. The operational performance of a CT scanner and integrated lane solution is however strongly dependent on the deployment environment such as procedures, passenger profiles and other integrated technical components within the coherent security checkpoint.  

Security managers often struggle when not achieving the performance levels they had in mind. From the start not assessing their own process closely enough could be one of the main causes. What Point FWD sees is that when airports indeed critically assess the airport specific situation and processes, they gain more control over (the impact of) solution design decisions when completing the puzzle towards integrated process balance. This has a direct impact on the actual performance of a security checkpoint ecosystem.   

Point FWD does see a lot of airports becoming more data savvy lately with regards to security operations. Of course, primarily this is the result of advanced technologies being implemented, being capable of registering every activity such as start and end times, alarm (+ resolution) registrations and eventually various rates. As more data is available, there is a lot more to be analysed, and eventually to be optimized. For the airport the next step is to take an active approach towards data-driven optimization and to really start using available data.